
In addition to self-improvement, I also have a strong interest in professional growth, company culture, and networking. Take a look these articles that I’ve written for LinkedIn:

Five Reasons Why Taking a Temp Job Kick-Started My Career

This is an article I wrote about the temp job I worked at for a few months prior to getting my current position. I hope that it inspires others to step outside their comfort zone and realize that some of the best opportunities come from unexpected places.

Introverts, Extroverts, or Empathy? Your Organization Needs All Three

Instead of pitting introverts and extroverts against one another, academic and professional environments should highlight the strengths of both personality types to foster success. Throughout my senior year of college, I conducted research for my Communication Capstone course that supported my findings in this article.

Five Ways to Make Your Mark on Your Internship

Want to know how to finish out your internship as strongly as you started it? Read this article. 
Kelsey Baum