
I used to shy away from vulnerability. Truthfully, opening yourself up to others and revealing your struggles, fears, and innermost feelings can be quite daunting. That’s why, in 2017, I challenged myself to create this blog entitled. After years of writing in journals that were filled to the brim with musings and crafting a glorious world for myself inside my own head, I decided to bring it to life, right here.

My mission statement for this blog is to be the voice that I have always been searching for. There have been plenty of instances in which I’ve searched the Internet for answers to the questions that keep me up at night, in hopes that I could find others who feel the same way as I do. Many times, I’ve fallen short in finding the advice or support that I was searching for. This has inspired me to be that outlet for not only myself, but also for someone else who may be experiencing that same struggle.

Kelsey Baum